We inspire responsible consumption by recovering and reworking materials otherwise on their way to the trash can, and creating long-life items for everyday use.
We are busy raking up unused materials (deadstock and leftover) or used materials close to disposal, upcycling them by inclusive manufacturing processes, delaying their entry into the biosphere.
We do everything in our power to reduce the damage caused by hyper productionist practices oblivious to the issues of waste, redundancy and the post-consumer fate of their products.
We are a brand with a purpose – our mission being to make a real impact on people’s choices and businesses’ social conscience through quiet yet effective bottom-up action.
In a world where the only certainty is constant change, we cannot control circumstances – but we can definitely choose and shape our response to them.
In a world where the only certainty is constant change, we cannot control circumstances – but we can definitely choose and shape our response to them.
JUNKLE recover used technical materials, offcuts and production scraps on the way to disposal – yet performing surprisingly well – coupling them with carefully selected new materials to create made-to-last accessories, everyday objects and furnishing elements – all items durable and easily mendable.
We don’t indulge in rhetorical drivel and we don’t espouse the ‘marketing for marketing’s sake’ school of thought.
Please buy our products only if you know you will take care of them and use them for a long time – and that, if necessary, you will mend or have us mending ‘em. Should you decide to no longer use what you’ve purchased, make sure to donate or exchange it.
From JUNKLE’s headquarters – the workshop in old town Palermo where it all began – we design, produce, photograph, narrate, publish our stuff on the online shop and partner sites – and we ship anywhere.
We are digital first because this is about the entire planet.
We are digital first because this is about the entire planet.
Join our cause.
Donate used sails, dismissed kitesurfs, parachutes, hang-gliders and hot-air balloons cloths, discarded inflatables, textile production and processing scraps, heavy Vinyl fabric, tarpaulins and outdoor tarpaulins, remnants of furnishing fabrics, ropes, belts, sail hardware and used climbing equipment.
We collect from anywhere at our own expense.
Donate used sails, dismissed kitesurfs, parachutes, hang-gliders and hot-air balloons cloths, discarded inflatables, textile production and processing scraps, heavy Vinyl fabric, tarpaulins and outdoor tarpaulins, remnants of furnishing fabrics, ropes, belts, sail hardware and used climbing equipment.
We collect from anywhere at our own expense.